4 Jan 2017

Meeting Notes

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.

Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.




Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

Regrets: Rick and Donna Todd, Frances Hunter, Winona Pugh, Gwen Curry

Present: Ian Duncan, Audrey Barnes, Ann Allan, Pat Carfra, Lori James-Derry, Joanne Delage, Bernie Bowker, Mary Haig-Brown

Guest Speaker: Lisa Rodgers

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  2. Adoption of meeting notes of 2 November, 2016
  3. Guest speaker: Lisa Rodgers, Elk/Beaver Lake Initiative Coordinator talked about the work she and others are doing in coming to understand Elk/Beaver Lake. Particular attention was paid to Blue-Green Algae (Cyrano Bacteria) which are naturally occurring but have recently bloomed profusely at times. This is serious as it is fatal to dogs and probably makes people ill as well if it is ingested. The blooms are caused when Phosphorus comes in contact with Nitrogen. Cyrano bacteria can capture Nitrogen with the aid of sunlight. The Phosphorus is in lake sediments and various disturbances, such as introduced carp nosing around, cause it to come to the surface. Methods of preventing the Phosphorus from rising are being considered. CRD will be holding an information event when they have decided on a method. Elk/Beaver has a sediment problem because it is a dammed lake and therefore does not have natural flushing. Prospect Lake

has a more complete flushing action and is less likely to have a buildup of Phosphorus. Residents should call Adriane Pollard when they do see Blue Green Algae in Prospect so that we can develop a better picture of when and how often it builds up in Prospect.

For more complete information please go to <crd.bc.ca> and search for Featured Watersheds, then scroll down to Elk/Beaver.

  1. Treasurer’s report – Joanne
    Balance 2 Nov, 2016 $ 505.68
    Add donation in memory of Grace Bennett 300.00 Closing Balance 4 January, 2017 $ 805.68
  2. Announcements:

    a) Broom removal at S. Prospect Lake Park with Green Team on Saturday April 22 from 9:45 – 1:00. Mary to inform Saanich and ask for a garbage pick ahead of that date and an invasives pickup after that date.

    1. b)  Archive created in handy carry case for lending. It contains meeting notes and pack ups starting in November, 2000. If you would like to borrow it let Mary know <mhaigbrown@telus.net>.
    2. c)  PSS fundraiser raised $3,500. Disappointing. 2017 is their 15th Anniversary. Perhaps a bigger celebration/fund raiser will be worked on.

      for 2017.

d) We would like to help PSS to do another bus tour of the watershed.

We look forward to the information event planned by CRD about Blue Green Algae.

Creek monitoring for temp, DO. We would like to repeat the monitoring of the creek for Oxygen levels, temperature etc. at the same spots we used in 2012-13 in order to see what difference our work has done. Mary to find a DO meter to use for this.

  1. Projects:
    1. a)  Whitehead Park- taking a break, planting still to happen
    2. b)  Tod Creek Flats – RFCPP application in. PSS is asking for funding to continue the work done on the Flats over the last two years. Monitoring of water flows and fish access on and off the Flats and more work up stream removing blockages, adding riffles and adding spawning beds are in the plans.
  2. Web site – Lori continues to maintain and expand our web site and Facebook page. She will try boosting our posts if it is not too expensive. She has applied for a Small Sparks Grant to aid in the administrative expenses of this work.

    Lori is also working on a repository of Prospect Lake Birds, and Prospect Lake Flora and Fauna. This idea came out of our search for good photos of these when we were working on the Tod Flats interpretive sign.

8. Maltby Lake – Carmel and Woody were not there.

9. Heritage – Lori reports they have joined the Hallmark Society.

10.Next meeting – 1 March, 2017
Location: Lori and Michael Derry’s house.


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