8 January 2020

Meeting Notes

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.

Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.


Friends of Tod Creek Watershed

Agenda:  Jan 8th @ 7:30pm
Mission: to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.
Thank you to Audrey for hosting our meeting.

Attendance: Kathleen Jones, Anne Allen, Audrey Barnes, Bernie Bowker, Pat Carfra, Ian Duncan, Mary Haig-Brown, Winona Pugh,  Sherron MacPherson, Carmel Thomson, Joanne Delage, Michael Derry and Lori James Derry

Regrets: Chris Weiczorek [from Lana Popham’s office], Gwen Curry
1. Adoption of Agenda: passed;
2. Adoption of Meeting Notes: passed;
3. Treasurers Report: Account balance $225.68;
4. Announcements:

  • a] As a member of the Green Shores Local Government Working Group, the CRD Harbours and Watersheds Program is able to offer no and low cost training opportunities for our municipal partners and the community in 2020. Both courses will be given at the University of Victoria Green Shores Level 1: Friday January 17th, 2020, 9am – 4pm.  No charge for this course but you must register to participate. Green Shores Level 2: Thurs. and Fri. March 26 & 27, 2020, 8:30am – 4pm. Level 1 is a pre-requisite to this course, cost is $465 plus GST. Please register at https://continuingstudies.uvic.ca/science-and-ecological-restoration/courses/green-shorestm-training-program
  • b] Two valuable members of the Saanich Parks department will be leaving for exciting new career changes. Jenny Eastman will be moving to the CRD to focus on invasive species and Andrew Burger will be moving to Comox as Manager of Parks. We will miss their knowledge and support.

5. Previous Business:

a]Highlights of dam safety workshop, which Mary & Bernie attended in Duncan. It was well-presented by John Baldwin [Safety Officer for VI].

Summary of workshop:

b] Summary of Saanich Inlet Roundtable: in Nov, Mary & Winona attended. Summary: Soil Rehabilitation Proposal for Malahat land, Plastics and Microplastics in the Ocean and Concerns about the Pacific Herring Roe Industry. Minutes are available on the SIPS website.  http://saanichinletprotection.org/RoundTable.html ;

c] Colquitz River walk – possible date Friday January 10 or Sunday January 12: postponed until after snow;

d] Aquatic Plant Survey results: Adolf and Aluna Ceska will do an analysis on plant samples suspected of being either Northern or Eurasian Mifoil and let Winona know when those results are in;

e] Bat box building workshop – call for interested participants and a date. Ian collected names and preferences re which type of bat box would work for participants property; he will pre-groove all the plywood for the boxes; Ian will let us know when these are ready to be assembled;

f] Tod Creek Watershed Connections publication: book sales are good [nine copies sold at this meeting];

g] CRD Featured Watersheds website – Winona has contacted the Watershed manager, Dan Saprunoff to inquire about including the Tod Creek Watershed as a featured watershed on the CRD website. Winona will let the group know when that happens;

h] Mary Haig Brown Recognition Award – call for nominations and members of a selection committee. Original group stands; email Winona will nominations;

6. Projects:

a] Bus tour of the watershed in partnership with Peninsula Streams – possible Spring event. Mary & Michael will present the event to Pen Streams in a subsequent meeting;

b] Tod Creek Flats – meeting with Dave and Judy Wallace [providing good historical information], Winona, Mary and Pat on Thursday. “Tod Creek Flats: Vision 2020″ draft proposal created by Roger Graves and Mary;

c] Whitehead Park – we have met to complete the Restoration Plan for the west side and developed a draft proposal for Saanich.

  • there an interest in arranging a workparty to remove ivy from the Lake access opposite Meadowbrook Road;

d] Peninsula Streams update: Millstream Project going forward now, while water is high. There is a 9 foot culvert under Atkins Road, so a bypass will be constructed [a Fishway];

e] Website – 2020 updates are underway;

f] Heritage Society

  • completing the Prospector collection. Anne and Audrey have collected aprox 55 newsletters so far;
  • possible dates for Tod Inlet Heritage event during Heritage week, February 17 -22. The theme is Bringing the Past into the Future;

g] Maltby Lake

  • Carmel made arrangements for Joan Hendrick and Winona to walk around Maltby Lake with new Saanich Environmental staff member Thomas Munson, MSc, PAg.: as an Environmental Technician, Thomas works in stewardship, restoration and protection of the natural areas of Garry oak ecosystems, which involves invasive plant removal, plant propagation and site re-vegetation with native Garry oak species;

h] January Water Quality measurements – Garth, Ian, Mary, Michael and Winona will continue to do these measurements, with the next excursion TBA;

7. New Business:

  • The sale of the Meadowbrook Blueberry Farm and Reservoir  [Bernie covered under the dam workshop information];
  • Carmel reports the culverts recently installed along Prospect Lake [at Trevlac Pond] are not amphibian-friendly.  To learn more about this, go to: https://hat.bc.ca/images/Amphib_Stewardship_Series_with_Newsletter2015_web.pdf
  • For additional reading re: Amphibian/Reptile Crossing, go to our Information Page and open WILDLIFE CROSSING STRUCTURE HANDBOOK Design and Evaluation in North America. This is a very comprehensive document, for specific information on amphibians and reptiles, scroll down to page 157.

Next meeting: Wednesday March 4 at Mary & Bernies home. 



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