Start of a New Year: 2014
2nd June 2014: Josh weeding inside the exclosure; and Audrey, Joanne and Mary pulling Yellow-Flag iris along Tod Creek, inside the park; and kayaking Tod Creek.
August 2014: For interest, and because there are no photos for August, here are some notes regarding the garden work at Whitehead Park.
Monday, Aug 4th, 2014:
We cut a few blackberries and dug YFI on the west side. The beaver are still working on their dam under the bridge. We spent some time watering the snowberry on the east side near the bridge. They are looking much happier since the watering and mulching they received last week. It is so hot and dry that more water is always good. While we were doing this we also pulled blackberries that are sprouting up along side the creek.
Monday, Aug 11th:
We weeded and watered the alders and cedars on the east side of the exclosures. Some of the alders and a few of the Mahonia did not make it, but mostly they are all fine. The ground was very dry and soaked up the water almost as fast as we poured it on. Satisfying to complete a specific job.
Monday, August 18th:
We checked over the site. Fences were fine and the stuff we watered last week was looking very happy. There has been a day or so of heavy rain this week which helped everything. We noticed part of the lower exclosure seemed to be eaten, but the fence was intact. We concentrated on the upper unfenced section and the two newer exclosures, mostly digging and pulling blackberry starts. It is still too dry to properly get the roots so we did not work on the next swath of vines. We just cut the ones that were reaching out toward the cleared area to prevent tip rooting.
Monday, August 25th:
We decided the time has come to seriously start on the blackberries in the next swath. Because it is still very dry we will not attempt to get the roots out yet. We spent a happy morning cutting and hauling out canes and uncovering interesting bits in the process. There are a few blackberries mixed in with roses and maples near the top and some old pipe a little farther down. Mostly, however, it is blackberry and horsetail. There was a group painting on the west bank and we admired their handiwork. Nice to see the park being used in so many ways.