4 March 2020

Meeting Notes

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.

Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.


Friends of Tod Creek Watershed Agenda

Mission: to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed

Thank you Anne & Ian for hosting the March meeting.

Attendance: Gwen Curry, Janet Williams, Mary Haig-Brown, Valerie Haig-Brown, Bernie Bowker, Audrey Barnes, Winona Pugh, Lori James, Anne and Ian

Regrets: Pat Carfra and Sherron MacPherson

1. Adoption of agenda;

2. Adoption of January 7, 2020 meeting notes;

3. Treasurers report: January account balance $225.68

4. Announcements:

5. Previous Business:

  • a] Colquitz River Walk: Winona will put out a couple of dates;
  • b] Aquatic Plant Survey results: no word from Adolf Cesca yet;
  • c] Bat box building workshop – workshop date Tuesday, March 3. Cost $50. With Thanks to Steve at Ceanesse Kitchens Ltd on Alpha Street. Winona to send a card;
  • f] Tod Creek Watershed Connections publication – a limited number of copies are available for sale. Lori will be ordering more when the next sale comes up;
  • g] CRD Featured Watersheds website – Winona has contacted the Watershed manager, Dan Saprunoff to inquire about including the Tod Creek Watershed as a featured watershed on the CRD website. No new developments from CRD;
  • h] Mary Haig Brown Recognition Award – nominations may be made by contacting any member of the Nominating Committee.

6. Projects:

  • a] Bus tour of the watershed dependent on finding funding. Grant applications may be possible through the Prospect Lake Heritage Society. In the Fall, we will apply to PSF for ~ $500;
  • b] Tod Creek FlatsFascinating meeting with Judy and Dave Wallace recorded by Pat. Kathleen has located an extensive survey of bird species through the Victoria Natural History Society. Retired biologist Eric Lofroth has provided advice on possible partners and options for protecting the flats as wetlands and next steps. Roger Graves will be the liaison with the land owners. Mary will pursue the people Dave & Judy mentioned; Lori & Gwen will start a photographic Tod Flats plant ID series;
  • c] Whitehead Park – we have met to complete the Restoration Plan for the west side and submitted the plan to Saanich. Mary, Audrey, Lori and Kathleen met with the new Park Stewardship Coordinator, Katie Turner and Jill Tuson. New plants have arrived and a planting party is needed -possible dates for a Monday morning. Dates [Katie Turner, Park Coordinator notified]:
    1) Planting the native plants in Whitehead Park: Monday March 16th,
         2) South Prospect Lake broom pull or bash: Saturday June 20th,
         3) Clearing the r-o-w opposite Meadowbrook: Saturday May 30th;
  • d] Peninsula Streams updateTwo releases of coho have been completed, the first 3,000 were released at Lohr Road and Durrance Creek on February 13 after the storm water had subsided. The second release of 500 PIT coho was completed February 28
  • e] Website – A new documentary Secret Victoria: Rush to Freedom has been featured on the website (Local Publications) in honor of Black History month. The short film is the story of the first Afro- American settlers in Victoria;
  • f] Heritage Society Knowing Tod Inlet was a successful event held in celebration of BC Heritage week in partnership with Lana Popham, MLA. Approximately 40 people attended the event which featured documentaries by David Gray and readings by Gwen Curry;
  • g] Maltby Lake -winter storm caused several trees to blow down and power outages;
  • h] March Water Quality measurements: Ian, Mary, Winona & Valerie will do on Thursday March 12th;
  • I] Saanich Streams would like to know of any erosion or stream work that is needed;

7. New Business:

  • a] Application to become a Society
  • b] Emergency Contact for spills, dead fish, other environmental contamination concerns [list from Dorothy     Chambers]:

The order in which you call these numbers does not matter, but for EMBC is #1…
Once you have the DGIR # you can quote it to the other authorities….

#1….EMBC… the number on the yellow salmon key chain…1-800-663-3456. Emergency Management BC… formerly PEP

This is your number one call… ask for a DGIR # and a call back…. This stands for Dangerous Goods Incident Report… it is the file number attached to your call.  Get this number, as you use it to then proceed with other calls and quote it….

#2… RAPP…. Report All Polluters and Poachers…. 1-877-952-7277. This is also called the Natural Resource Violations Report Line

#3… DFO report line…. 1-800-465-4336. ORR, Observe, Record and Report line

#4…. FFHPP… Fisheries and Fish Habitat Protection Program….1-866-845-6776

c] Campaign to Stop CRD Spread of Toxic Biosolids at Hartland: Winona, Audrey & Mary will organize a group to collect & share info and talk to Lana & Adam;

d] Thank you to those who completed the Watershed Governance survey. POLIS Water Sustainability Project – UVic.

e] Saanich Environmental Awards are coming up: Suggested we nominate Red Barn [Business] and Richard Hebda [Individual Environmental Achievement].

f] The group decided not to become a Society.

Next meeting: Wednesday May 6th at Mary & Bernie’s. 


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