Aquatic Plant Survey
Aboard Joanne Delage & Ron Burton’s floating barge, Kitty Lloyd, Winona Pugh & Lori James Derry collected samples of lake plants.
We have 8 sites we stop at, and collect plants from 3 depths at each site: 2, 4 & 6 meters. Where you see no photos after the site/ depth location, it means we couldn’t get to that shallow of depth because of the density of plants.
Using plant density rating charts from the BCLSS:
Density rating chart – rake (modified from Wandell and Wolfson, 2000)
Rake recovery of aquatic plant Density rating
Dense (D)
Moderate (M)
Sparse (S)

unable to sample at this depth, re lake weeds’ density
Site 6: 4 m
Coontail *
E. Milfoil *
Oedogonium algae *
Site 6: 6 m
Coontail *
Fern Pondweed*
* didn’t assess density in notes

Eelgrass [D]
E. Milfoil [D]
Fern Pondweed [D]
Elodia [D]
Coontail [D]
Site 7: 4 m
E. Milfoil [D]
Elodia [D]
Coontail [D]
Eelgrass [M]
Big leaf Pondweed [M]
Oedogonium algae *
Site 7: 6 m
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [M]
Fern Pondweed [S]

unable to sample, lake level too low to approach
Site 8: 4 m
unable to sample, lake level too low to approach
Site 8: 6 m
Fern Pondweed [S]
Elodia [S]
Eelgrass [S]
Coontail [S]

unable to sample at this depth, re lake weeds’ density
Site 1: 4 meters
E. Milfoil [D]
Elodia [S]
Coontail [D]
Site 1: 6 meters
unable to sample, lake level too low to approach

unable to sample at this depth, re lake weeds’ density
Site 2: 4 m
Coontail [D]
E. Mifoil [D]
Elodia [S]
Site 2: 6 m
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [M]

unable to sample at this depth, re lake weeds’ density
Site 3: 4 m
Oedogonium algae [D]
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [D]
Site 3: 6 m
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [M]

unable to sample at this depth, re lake weeds’ density
Site 4: 4 m
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [D]
Elodia [M]
Eelgrass [S]
Fern Pondweed [S]
Site 4: 6 m
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [D]
Elodia [M]

unable to sample at this depth, re lake weeds’ density
Site 5: 4 m
E. Milfoil [D]
Coontail [D]
Eelgrass [S]
Elodia [S]
Oedogonium algae [S]
Site 5: 6 m
Coontail [D]
E. Milfoil [M]