Meeting Notes
Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.
Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.
To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.
Friends of Tod Creek Watershed
Agenda: November 6@ 7:30pm
Mission: to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.
Thank you to Pat for hosting our meeting.
Attendance: Anne Allen, Audrey Barnes, Bernie Bowker, Pat Carfra, Ian Duncan, Mary Haig-Brown, Winona Pugh, Chris Weiczorek [from Lana Popham’s office], Sherron MacPherson, Carmel Thomson, Michael Derry and Lori James Derry
Regrets: Joanne Delage
1. Adoption of Agenda: passed;
2. Adoption of Meeting Notes: passed;
3. Treasurers Report: Account total for July aprox $400.00 [Treasurer not at meeting];
4. Announcements:
a. VI Technology Park Open House Wednesday November 6, 7 -9 pm: Vi Tech is owned by UVic, Audrey Barnes & Ian Duncan attended and gave a short synopsis [Ian will supply the name of the architect here: — ];
b. Saanich Parks and Climate Change – Richard Hebda Wednesday November 13, 7 pm, Cedar Hill Golf Clubhouse: Good turnout by FTCW [Mary, Bernie, Ian, Anne, Pat, Winona, Michael & Lori] for an interesting and entertaining presentation on Dr Hebda’s Areas of Interest: “Impacts of climate change on ecosystems; Restoration of natural systems and processes; Timing and extent of the last ice age; and Specialty: Vegetation and climate history of BC” ;
c. Dam Safety Management Workshop in Duncan Nov 13, information at Mary and Bernie will attend and share info at the Jan meeting;
d. Traffic Planning Discussion: Wednesday November 13, 7 pm Prospect Lake Community Hall. For ongoing updates:
For ongoing updates:
e. Saanich Inlet Round Table , Thursday November14, 2 – 4pm, SHOAL Center
- Agenda topics: Judith Cullington, Facilitator
- Contaminated Soil Remediation Site ( Calvin Cook, Nelson Environmental Remediation)
- Brentwood Bay License of Operation Update (Central Saanich)
- Micro plastics in the Waters Around Vancouver Island (Matt Miller, University of Victoria)
- Pacific Roe Herring Industry (John mason Institute of Ocean Sciences)
- MP and MLA Updates
f. CRD Solid Waste Management Plan Open House – Thursday November 21, 4 -8 pm, Greek Community Hall. Link to the page with all the information:
g. Colquitz River: Winona proposed a hike, with good interest. TBA: a Sat or Sunday at the end of Nov.
For a look at what’s. happening in Colquitz River, follow the link below to “Our Backyard” Fall edition:
5. Previous Business:
a. BC Lake Stewardship AGM – New grants and government contracts have stabilized the financial situation for BLSS and the organization has been able to re-establish Lake keepers courses, the annual conference and lake monitoring support;
b. The Land Conservancy AGM – The TLC is debt free and has moved forward with the acquisition of the Clearwater wildlife corridor , the Pugh covenant and the Deertrails Nature program. A possible partnership with the Greenbelt Society will allow TLC to move offices to Mary Lake;
c. Mary Haig Brown Recognition Award – nomination suggestions will be reviewed in January;
d. We have an opportunity to partner with Invasive Species Council of BC on the removal of yellow flag iris in the watershed. The partnership could provide supplies equipment and educational materials for removal projects. Considering Tod Flats;
e. Bat house building workshop. Best time to put up a house is by April, date to be decided. Ian Duncan will lead the workshop and will let us know the dates, likely Jan or Feb 2020;
f. David Gray documentaries – we continue to plan for the showing of The Hidden Sikhs and Beyond the Gardens Walls during Heritage Week in February. Ian Duncan is making copies for a possible viewing at Lana Popham’s Constituency Office meeting room;
g. Rivers Day, September 22 – the walk along the Colquitz was postponed to allow volunteers to work on the yellow flag iris at Maltby Lake. The Peninsula Streams event was very successful. A new date for the Colquitz walk will be decided, see above Item # 4.b;
h. The annual Aquatic Plant survey was conducted on Monday September 16. Thank you to Joanne and Ron for providing the transportation, Lori for the photography, Mary for the plant identification and sorting, and Carolyn for plant identification and recording (and Keta for navigation);
i. Saanich Environmental Policy Framework –Tree Protection bylaw under review.
Carmel attended and states most of the framework went forward.
6. Projects:
a. Bus tour of the Watershed? Considering in the spring 2020, with Peninsula Streams, Mary will arrange;
b. Tod Creek Flats: Mary has meet with Lana Popham re: ‘wetlands in ALR’ and ‘how can the Flats be designated a wetland?’ re protection.
Wetlands are a recognized non-farm use of farmland, but are not eligible for a tax credit. To read the Tod Creek Flats Vision 2020, go to:
c. Whitehead Park: Mary and Audrey continue to work on the naturescaping and would like some help. Rick Hatch will provide some staff occasionally but volunteers are needed. A plant request list is being prepared for Saanich and help will be needed when the plants arrive;
d. Watershed Management Plan: Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP) Tod Creek Enhancement Plan Spring 2020 Release Strategy: “It is expected that a significant proportion of the releases will occur in the upper watershed.” Chris will ascertain who is monitoring lake data re blue-green algae;
e. Peninsula Streams: Fundraiser Nov 9th is sold out and sponsorship and auction items are excellent. Go to Peninsula Streams facebook page for photos of the event;
f. Website: a work in progress. Photos are regularly added, as is text, announcements and currently some two-page spreads from the new book Tod Creek Watershed Connections [on the Local Publications page];
g. Heritage Society: Completing collection of Prospector newsletters. Both Saanich Archives and RBCM have expressed interest in the collection. Audrey has done an amazing job of developing a summary list of issues and content;
h. Maltby Lake: Carmel has more updates TBA.
7. New Business:
The Plot Market Garden has produced a small photo book including the commentary:
“Follow us on Instagram @THEPLOTMARKETGARDEN
The Plot is a micro farm on the forest edge in Saanich BC with a focus on artisan greens and baby root vegetables. Using Sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices, the farm strives for consistently high quality produce for locals and chefs.
You can find our produce at: House of Boateng; Artisan Bistro; Artisan Cafe; Toque Catering; Charlotte & The Quail; Red Barn on West Saanich; Porto Osteria; and Nourish.”
8. Next Meeting: January 8, 2020 at Audrey’s