
The Prospect Lake Heritage Society

We are starting a new project: to interview long-time residents of the area around Prospect Lake, and record their stories of life on the lake.

Have a look at our Heritage Page for the details:

Our first event of 2021

under the new health guidelines 

Broom Pull at South Prospect Lake Park

on Saturday January 16 from 10 to noon.

To insure the safety of the volunteers we will be working  at least 2 m physical distance apart at all times. Masks will be worn at times when less than 2 m apart. Please bring your own gloves and work tools such as clippers, pruning shears, mattocks and small shovels.

and check out their Facebook page here:

W̱SÁNEĆ Ethnobotany Trail at the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific

Secret Victoria: Rush to Freedom

See our ‘Local Publications’ page for information about this new documentary and a link to the article in Saanich News.

Black History Month: Documentary sheds light on black pioneers’ role in Victoria.

Secret Victoria: Rush to Freedom looks at how a mass migration shaped the capital. The documentary was created by Vancouver-based producer Anthony Brown and Telus Originals director Melinda Friedman.

New book: “Tod Creek Watershed Connections”

As one of the Saanich Peninsula environmental groups, Friends of Tod Creek Watershed, have written a book about their first 20 years of stewardship under the leadership of Mary Haig-Brown. When Mary stepped down as Chair, two members of FTCW decided to recognize and celebrate her vision, leadership and commitment to restoring our watershed. Thus their book “Tod Creek Watershed Connections was created. It is dedicated to Mary and sales are available now. It is a print-on-demand book and the price reflects that: $90.00 for Standard Landscape size, and $140.00 for Large Landscape size. More photos are on our “Local Publications” Page.

Call or email Winona Pugh or Lori James Derry for purchasing the book. Contact info is on our Home Page.

Saanich Parks and Peninsula Streams has a big planting event next weekend

[Saturday Nov 16th 9:30 am to 12:00 Noon]

on the Colquitz River at Copley Park, near Mann Avenue.

We need your help.

Here is a great opportunity to take part in a wonderful restoration project.

Please help spread the word.

The exceptional BC lichenologist and naturalist:

Trevor Goward

will be speaking at Swan Lake on

Wednesday, October 2, 7 – 9 pm. 

For more information on these posters, go to our Sept 2019 Meeting Notes. 

We hope you will be able to join us for some of the events that will be
taking place over the summer months:

1. Bat Count on Thursday July 18 and July 25 at 9:00 pm we will be
counting bats at 237 Meadowbrook Road. This will be the second count of
the year and it will be a chance to determine how many new babies have
been born over the past month.

2.Tod Inlet (SNIDCEL) Walk with Tiffany Joseph, Co-ordinator of SNIDCEL
Resiliency Project, on Friday July 19 at 10:00 am. Tiffany will give us
the First Nations history of the area through traditional stories. We
will meet at the yellow gate on Wallace Drive.

3. Coffee with David Merner Green Party candidate for the fall election
on Saturday August 10, from 4 -5:50 at 237 Meadowbrook Road. We are not
endorsing any political party however this will be an opportunity to
learn about the issues that will impact the election and to provide
input into voters concerns.

If you are able to attend any of these events please RSVP to Mary
Haig-Brown (

Saanich Environmental Awards / 2019 Award Winners

Long Term Achievement:  Mary Haig-Brown

Saanich Acting Mayor & CRD Board Chair Colin Plant and Chair of Saanich’s Environment and Natural Areas Advisory Committee Counsellor Rebecca Mersereau, present Mary with her 2019 award.

Mary Haig-Brown is being recognized for her long-term achievement as a leader in nature conservation and education in the Prospect Lake/Tod Creek Watershed where she has volunteer extensively over the last 40 years. Mary has been involved with and led countless initiatives in the community and with partners including: studies and management plans for the area, the formation of the Friends of Tod Creek Watershed, working with students from elementary to post-secondary, serving with community groups such as Peninsula Streams, Habitat Acquisition Trust and for the last 8 years as a member of the Saanich Saanich Environment and Natural Areas Advisory Committee. In her letter of support for Mary, MLA Lana Popham noted: “even with the hours of work, planning, weed-pulling and advocating, perhaps the richest gift that Ms. Haig-Brown has bestowed upon the people of Saanich is the mentorship she offers to young and old alike.”

Workshop 2019
Life in the Salmonsphere
Nanaimo, BC
May 31-June 2, 2019

Please join Hosts
The Nanaimo River Stewardship Society
at Vancouver Island University
900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5S5

April showers bring–the spring edition of StreamTalk!

Please share this with your volunteer and stewardship groups.

This edition contains Updates on exciting projects, International Year of the Salmon and the SEP Community Workshop.

Link to printed copy here:

An invitation to an open house about the Cedar Hill Park Management Plan.

In Phase One: Visioning and Planning we:
developed a Vision Statement for the park
discovered what the community valued about the park
identified the parks strengths and weaknesses
gained insight as to what the community desires for the future of the park
determined that we would proceed with developing a Management Plan for the park

Since then, the Stakeholder Working Group has been developing proposed Action Items for the park Management Plan and, at this stage, would like to get your feedback on what has been proposed.

Earth Day Event 

to be held at the Horticultural Center of the Pacific

on Monday April 22 from 10 -2.

The Friends of Tod Creek Watershed and The Friends of Maltby Lake
will have displays there.

If anyone would like to volunteer to help with the displays please contact Winona.

Shiny Geranium pull: Wednesday, April 8 at 6 – 7 PM at Playfair Park

Please feel free to stop by Playfair Park (Rock St. entrance) to help us pull Shiny Geranium plants.

We’ll be there again on Sunday, April 12, from 1 – 3 PM. If you are coming, please remember to bring a spare pair of shoes.

If you aren’t able to attend, but would still like to know how to keep an eye out for this plant in your park,

please see the below sheet developed by Playfair Park Lead Steward, Colleen O’Brien.

Pulling Together Volunteers and Park Ambassadors

April 7 – 13, 2019 marks National Volunteer Week in Canada. On behalf of Saanich Parks, our sincere thanks to all of you, for the care you give to your parks. It is our privilege to work with such a dedicated and skilled team of volunteers care for the parks we all love.

As well, please see the attached letter from Councillor Ned Taylor.

With heartfelt thanks,

Jenny Eastman
Coordinator of Volunteers – Saanich Pulling Together Volunteer Program
Parks Division, Parks and Recreation Department
District of Saanich

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed would like to invite you to the third annual

South Prospect Lake Park Broom Bash

on Saturday April 6 from 10am to noon.

Please join us for a few hours of invasive species removal or a short walk to enjoy the spring wild flowers. We welcome all support of our local parks.

Light refreshments,and tools will be provided. Please bring garden gloves and wear old clothes and sturdy shoes

Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) can increase wildfire fuel loads, thereby escalating wildfire intensity; obstruct site lines on roads, resulting in increased maintenance costs for removal; limit movement of large animals; and displace native plant species.

2019 SEP Community Stewardship Workshop

2019 is the focal year of the International Year of the Salmon initiative. In contribution to the initiative, the  Salmonid Enhancement Program is hosting an interactive plenary session to explore what communities can do to ensure salmon and their habitats are conserved and restored. As the International Year of the Salmon initiative aspires toward the vision that salmon and people are resilient in a changing world, this plenary will introduce you to resilience, describe the state of the Salmosphere and explore, with YOU, ideas for building resilience in the Salmosphere. This is a rare opportunity to bring experts, individuals and groups from across the region together for a shared discussion.

EventBrite are providing online registration, however, there is a paper option available contact   if you need it.

As well, remember to book your accommodation—details on the Event Bright page.

International year of the salmon

The International Year of the Salmon is a five-year outreach and research initiative of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO), with a focal year in 2019. It aims to raise public awareness, gather stakeholders, stimulate science, and inspire action to protect salmon. The endeavour covers several dimensions, including understanding the present status of salmon, the natural and human factors that affect them, and the ways in which communities can contribute to sustaining salmon. It also strives to improve and develop technologies and data systems, allowing us to better collect and share information that can help manage salmon populations and their environments responsibly.

Throughout the year, the Government of Canada will participate in events, and take steps to protect salmon populations. Together with leading conservation organisations, academia, Indigenous peoples, other countries, and scientists from around the world, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is pleased to take part in protecting wild salmon for future generations.

Follow the conversation on social media at #YearoftheSalmon and visit International Year of the Salmon.

Pugh Covenant

Family sets aside forest area  

Future generations can enjoy 0.56 hectares within the coastal Douglas-fir moist maritime biogeo-climatic zone in Central Saanich as a farming family who had owned the property for more than 80 years signs a conservation covenant to protect the acreage into perpetuity.

The Land Conservancy of B.C. and the District of Central Saanich recently announced the protection of the property, which will be known as the Pugh Covenant, named after Lorna and Alan Pugh.

The covenanted land has been in the Pugh family for two generations and was used for livestock grazing, among other farming activities.

While farming has left its mark on the land, the care taken by the family to ensure the land remained healthy is visible in the diversity of species and the functionality of the ecosystem, including a small, seasonal creek.

The waterway on the property was officially recognized as a creek as a result of Lorna’s efforts when nearby developments threatened its status. The creek remains today and is protected by Provincial Riparian Area Regulations.

Lorna was born in Brentwood Bay into a pioneer farming family. She died in 2017, at the age of 95. Her husband, who predeceased her in 2013, was raised in Jasper National Park. Their mutual love of wildlife and the outdoors has been instilled in their family.

Their four daughters, Frances, Winona, Gillian and Geraldine, wished to honour the legacy of their parents by ensuring the forested area of their family home remained protected in perpetuity.

The land is located close to Gore and Oak Haven Parks and just north of Gowlland Tod Provincial Park, three parks that Lorna had a hand in creating.

“Our parents enjoyed watching the many animals and birds that increasingly used the wildlife corridor and sanctuary that the protected creek and forest area, rich in native flora, provides,” said Frances Pugh, Central Saanich grower and TLC board member. “The covenant also impacts the community into the future by strengthening the buffer around the parks and farm lands that are important to all of us. Moreover, it prevents the property from becoming another speculative venture [a view strongly held by our parents] and makes it slightly more affordable for those who seek to make this place their home.”

A covenant is a legal agreement between a landowner and a monitoring organization such as TLC or the District of Central Saanich.

Covenants are made on property title and stay with the property indefinitely, even as a property changes ownership.
The Land Conservancy of B.C.’s mission is to protect and restore the biological diversity of B.C. for present and future generations through the use of conservation covenants. Its covenant program holds more than 240 covenants, protecting more than 5,160 hectares throughout the province, which include streams, lakes, riparian areas, forests, greenbelts and rare and endangered species.

For more information, go to


Wild Salmon Advisory Council report:

The CRD is partnering with the Stewardship Centre for BC to offer two Green Shores training workshops this fall at the University of Victoria.

Details for both workshops are attached. Please forward to anyone who might be interested.

Tues. Oct. 23rd – Level 1:
This one-day workshop introduces participants to basic shoreline ecosystem principles and management practices, with emphasis on the purpose and application of the Green Shores rating systems. The content is of interest to landowners, conservation organizations, local government staff, elected officials, real estate agents, and others who have a general interest in shoreline protection.
While this workshop is offered free of charge, there are only 20 seats available and you need to register by phone: 250-472-4747 or on line here.

Thurs., Fri. Nov. 22, 23 – Level 2:
This two-day workshop provides participants with in-depth knowledge about how the Green Shores credit and rating systems can be used in shoreline management projects. The content is of interest to professionals (biologists, engineers, planners, landscape architects) and contractors, local and regional government staff, and others seeking to implement the Green Shores program for a shoreline improvement, new design or development, or other related shoreline projects.
Cost: $465 + GST. Register by phone: 250-472-4747 or on line here.

Kitty Lloyd | Initiatives Coordinator
Environmental Protection | Capital Regional District
625 Fisgard Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
T: 250.360.3299 | F : 250.360.3047 | | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

CRD Regional Parks

CRD Regional Parks have interpreters for free and low-cost guided walks, hikes and drop-in events. Outings and events are designed for nature lovers at all seasons of life, and run rain or shine, every season of the year.


Hello All,

We invite you all to join us for our annual stream walk, description below. If you could let me know if you plan to attend, that would be great: email <>. Even if you don’t RSVP and if you find you’re free that morning, just show up.

We look forward to seeing you,

Dorothy / dotter

Annual Rock Bay Creek Stream Walk

Sunday, May 20, 2018 – 10:00 AM to 12:00

This year, we begin at the end. Meet on Queens St near the corner of Government St. On-street parking is plentiful. If it is raining…bring an umbrella and wear warm clothes & waterproof shoes. We will walk the original shoreline of One Rock Bay (now mostly filled and paved). See some old pictures of the area and discuss how the landscape has changed. Where are the signs of its original form? Imagine the various indigenous travellers camping on its shore, hoping to trade at Fort Victoria. The Rock Bay watershed drains into this part of the upper harbour, originally in the form of a small waterfall at the edge of what became Finlayson Farm; now a culvert under Queens St. The bay was largely filled in to accommodate heavy industry. 100 years of coal gasification resulted in it becoming one of Canada’s most polluted sites. After 12 years of cleanup and $138 million it now looks like a benign parking lot. Purchased by local First Nations as part of a land settlement, what does the future hold? Can we sing the salmon back? Hosted by the Rock Bay Creek Revival group.

Tour lead by Dan Doherty (the wisdom is in the group)

For more information about Bolen Books and Upcoming Author Events  follow this link:

Focus Magazine profiles Mary Haig-Brown

To read the full article:

“Livable Roads for Rural Saanich (LRRS)”.

Anyone who wants to be on our listserve to receive our monthly bulletins or to submit observations, concerns and ideas, is welcome to contact us at

Please note that the start time for this talk is 1:00 pm on Wednesday May 16th, not 2:00 pm as previously listed.

An information session regarding the proposed update to Saanich’s pesticide bylaw.

To see the Fact Sheet:

EDPA Public Hearing March 17th 10:00 am

at Spectrum Community School, 957 Burnside Road West.

This is a last chance to save this important piece of legislation and have input on changes that could be made to it without leaving our very important wetlands unprotected.

For more information, go to:

How to nominate someone:

2017 Award Winners:

Thank you to our supporters, partners, and customers! 

Please join us Friday April 20th 4pm to 7pm at our nursery location to celebrate
the 5th year anniversary of Saanich Native Plants
– Drinks and Snacks
– Plant Discounts
– Tours
741 Haliburton Road, Saanich, BC
Please RSVP to


Island Pollinators Initiative

Dr. Lora Morandin from the Island Pollinators Initiative coming to speak on Wednesday, November 1 at the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre. Art Room 1 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. We have room for forty volunteers. Lora comes very highly recommended as a speaker on this important topic.
Lora will discuss why pollinators are so important, focusing on bees. She’ll cover why are bees the most important pollinators and explain some of the misconceptions and issues for managed and native bees. Lora will share what private land owners and public land managers can do to help bees and other pollinators and she’ll explain how can we observe bees and see if our habitat restoration work is helping. She’ll also go over citizen science monitoring of pollinators and give us all a chance to look at real bee specimens and group them into categories. There will be resources available, refreshments and a door prize too.
More about Lora: I’ve been researching bees for about 20 years, focusing on how land use by people can be integrated with conservation of bees and other beneficial insects. I’ve worked in agricultural ecosystems from northern Alberta to the central valley of California and have  published on the economic costs and benefits of creating habitat for beneficial insects in working landscapes, and have co-authored a book on farming to promote beneficial insects. I’m currently the Western Canada Program Manager for Pollinator Partnership Canada (see link below) and am excited to be working on pollinator conservation through collaboration, outreach and education, policy, research, and habitat creation.
For more, go to our Information Page:

To attend:

Bus Tour – Seats are limited! Please Register via Eventbrite by clicking on this link

Open House – RSVPs are not required but are appreciated. Please RSVP via Eventbrite by clicking this link.

Habitat Acquisition Trust is hosting three workshops this fall.

2-Day Riparian Restoration Workshop, Metchosin

Ruby Creek (HAT Protected Land near Witty’s Lagoon)

September 29 & 30

9:00am – 5:00pm both days

Led by R.P.Bio Dave Polster – Hands-on riparian slope stabilization, live staking, and native plant ID


More info and Registration


Bag that Yellow Flag Removal Talk & Walk + Workshop

Invaders of the Coast: Strategies to remove invasive plants that threaten your land and water focusing on Yellow Flag Iris

September 22 & 23

Friday 7pm-830pm Talk

Saturday 10am-12pm Walk/Workshop at Metchosin Farm

Led by Don Hare (Executive Director of CISC) and Sue Staniforth (Education and Outreach Coordinator for ISCBC)


More info and RSVP


Conservation Connection Forum (1-Day Conference + Collaboration Workshop)

Thursday October 12 9:30am to 3pm

+ Evening Keynote Banquet (to 8:00pm)

Gardens at HCP (505 Quayle Rd)

More than one hundred people representing First Nations, land trusts, wildlife conservation experts, environmental groups, and those caring for nature across South Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and beyond come together bi-annually for the Conservation Connection presented by Habitat Acquisition Trust. With renowned speakers, a beautiful space to gather and collaborate, active nature walks, as well as a benefit auction night this is the event of the season. This local conference is surely not to be missed.

Speakers List coming soon

Early Bird tickets available until September 14:

$80 Conference w/ Keynote Banquet including lunch, dinner, and snacks

$50 Conference only – includes lunch and snacks

Student discounts available!

’Spring Skies & Ancient Lands’ 30 x 36 oil on canvas by artist Jeffrey J Boron.

The above painting is one of five that Jeffrey will have in
‘Rooted in History’
Celebrating the Garry Oak Ecosystem Exhibit
at the
Robert Bateman Centre
470 Belleville Street
Victoria, BC

South Prospect Lake Broom Bash  


FTCW along with the Green Team

are hosting a Broom Bash at South Prospect Lake Park

9:451:00 with snacks provided.

Bring drinking water and gloves

Please spread the word and come for however much time as you can spare.

For more info: email Mary Haig-Brown

Take Back The Wild: Marine Conservation

Take Back the Wild: MarineConservation is a free, 5-month long program which includes a multi-day training summit on April 28th – May 1st 2017 at the Strathcona Park Lodge. Participants will receive training in a wide range of campaign skills including communications, media relations, community engagement, indigenous relations, and government relations. Further, participants will learn about marine conservation and planning taking place on BC’s coast. Following the summit, participants will apply their new skills to a conservation project in their community.

We are seeking young adults, aged 18-30 from BC’s coast who have an interest in marine conservation and desire to develop skills in campaign planning. Our goal is to bring a diverse and passionate group of people together to learn from local leaders in conservation, to engage in dialogue on key components of campaign planning, and to inspire and celebrate regional conservation in action.

Promotion Assistance:
We would greatly appreciate it if you could help us promote the project to young adults in your community. Application forms and more information on the program can be found on our website and are due March 23rd.
Additionally, attached is a poster which we would appreciate your help in promoting by posting in a visible location, including in social media or newsletter updates, and/or passing it onto any potential participants in your organization.

If you would like to lean more about the program or explore ways your organization can be involved, please do not hesitate to contact me at 604-685-7445×34.

Thank you in advance for your support.
Alana Wittman
Community Engagement Coordinator
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – BC Chapter
#410-698 Seymour Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3K6
Tel: 604 685-7445 ext 34

The annual Farmer2Farmer Conference is here! F2F is an initiative about local people, local issues, and local solutions! It provides powerful networking and learning opportunities for farmers and food producers in the region. The conference brings together over 200 farmers from across Vancouver Island and the Mainland in an event that inspires, educates and connects us in ways that help our sector grow together!

This year’s conference offers TWO exciting days or opportunity!

WEDNESDAY MAR 1, 2017 – $45 – Pre-conference Farm Bus Tour (full day with lunch incl)
THURSDAY MAR 2, 2017 – $55 – Farmer2Farmer Conference (full day with lunch/snacks incl)

REGISTRATION (tickets) here:

Pre-conference Farm Bus Tour: Experience and see innovative approaches to composting, irrigation, greenhouses and more. Farms: 10Acres + others (TBA)

Conference Keynote: Seann Dory, Salt & Harrow Farm (37 acre organic farm), and previously founder and operator of Sole Foods Urban Farm, Vancouver
Topic: Reflections on urban/rural, for-profit and non-profit business models, scales of production . . . . . . Reflections on success, collaboration, profitability and models for tomorrow.

Streamkeepers Course: Hosted by Peninsula Streams Society

Hello Pulling Together Volunteers:

If you are out in a park where Big Leaf Maples grow, this is the time to watch for illegal “tapping” equipment attached to trees. Four tapped trees have been found at Mount Douglas Park recently. If you spot anything, please let Saanich Parks know right away – you can call it in to 250.475.5522. The February 2, article in the Times Colonist (below) talks about tapping of our local trees.

If you catch someone doing this, you can let them know it is illegal to do this in parks and public spaces. Same goes for mushroom picking, fiddle head harvesting, picking berries, digging clams on park beaches, removing woody debris or rocks or moss etc. Tapping damages the trees and opens them up to pathogens.
Thanks for your help with this.
Jenny Eastman
Coordinator of Volunteers – Saanich Pulling Together Volunteer Program
Parks Division, Parks and Recreation Department
District of Saanich
1040 McKenzie Avenue.
Victoria BC V8P 2L4


The David Suzuki Foundation is looking for community partners to help bring butterflies and bees home to Cadboro Bay this year!

In February, we’ll be recruiting residents to join The Butterflyway Project. These keen volunteers will be trained as Butterfly Rangers that will help create patches of butterfly and bee-friendly habitat through their neighbourhoods. In Victoria, we’re looking to partner with local groups, businesses and institutions that are willing to support the local troop of Rangers in Cadboro Bay. This could range from helping to spread the word about the program to getting your hands dirty during planting days, and more.

Once a dozen or more pollinator patches are planted in Cadboro Bay, it’ll officially be designated by the David Suzuki Foundation as a Butterflyway, including signs and inclusion in the national Butterflyway Project map.

In addition to joining the project as a partner group or institution, we are seeking applications for Ranger candidates starting February 2. Please share this message with any butterfly-lovers and aspiring community leaders in your networks! More info:


Do you want to help butterflies and bees in Cadboro Bay this year?

In February, the David Suzuki Foundation will be recruiting local residents from five cities across the country to join The Butterflyway Project. In each city, these keen volunteers will be trained as local Butterfly Rangers that will help create patches of butterfly and bee-friendly habitat through their neighbourhoods.

Ranger training in Victoria will be held March 4 and 5 at Goward House. The application deadline is February 16. To apply, go to (after Feb.2).

Following two inspiring days of training, Rangers will go back to their neighbourhoods with a mission: to plant native wildflowers and shrubs in yards, schools, boulevards and parks — and have fun!

Once a Ranger troop plants a dozen or more pollinator patches in a neighbourhood, they’ll get official David Suzuki Foundation Butterflyway designation, including signs and inclusion in the national Butterflyway Project map.

Help bring nature home to your neighbourhood this year by joining The Butterflyway Project. Applications are due February 16. Please share this message with any butterfly-lovers and aspiring community leaders in your networks!

Lindsay Coulter, David Suzuki’s Queen of Green
David Suzuki Foundation
219, 2211 W. 4th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6K 4S2

I work M, W, F 9:00 AM-5:00 PM PST

cell 604-732-3627

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed Next Meeting: 

Wednesday January 4 @ 7:30 will have guest speaker Lisa Rodgers to give us an explanation of how blue green develops and the steps to inform the public.
We will be meeting at the home of Audrey Barnes, 104 Kiowa Place (off of Hartland Road)

Lisa Rodgers, MSc.

Elk/Beaver Lake Initiative Coordinator
Parks & Environmental Services
Capital Regional District

Please see the link below for general information on blue-green algae, and links to more information.


BC Lake Stewardship:  

Aquatic Weeds Workshop on Sept 24th 2016.  Open link here:  BCLS.pdf

South Prospect Lake Park

The Green Team and Friends of Tod Creek Watershed are combining to do our annual

clearing of invasives from the park.

Saturday, 30 APRIL, 2016. 9:45 am – 1:00 pm

Wear clothing suitable for the work and the weather and bring water.

Snacks and tools will be provided but feel free to bring your favorites if you like.

For more info: email Mary Haig-Brown

Or visit Green Team on-line:

New web address:

We have updated our web address to  [this might take a little while to show in the address bar]

This will make recalling the web address easier, should you want to pass it along to others; and you will soon be seeing it posted on new signs in the area, like the Tod Flats Interpretive Sign.  Watch here for the announcement on when the sign is erected.

New QR Code:

For those of you with cellular phones [download the free app “QR Reader”], our new code will link you immediately to our web site, from wherever you are when scanning the code.  It will also be posted on new signs in the area, again making it easier to access our web site.  qrcode.34334608-2

Eastman letter re Haliburton and Grass Identification Workshop

Hello Pulling Together Volunteers,
We have organized two upcoming events for you. Please let me know if you’d like to join us for either or both. Space is limited to 25 registered Pulling Together volunteers at each event. We’ll draw names if needed. Please let me know your interest by Thursday, March 17.

1. Tour of Haliburton Community Organic Farm & Saanich Native Plants  – Sunday, April 17 from 2 – 4 pm
Join Kristen and James Miskelly for a tour of Haliburton Farm.  This is where Saanich Native Plants has their nursery and where Kristen and others have been engaged in ecological restoration of the Haliburton Farm wetland and meadow. Kristen was the very engaging speaker at our November volunteer event. We can take a maximum of 25 Pulling Together volunteers. Dress for the weather, gumboots recommended. More information about the farm here:
Native plants will be for sale after our tour for those of you who are interested. Meeting place is 741 Haliburton Road. Take the Pat Bay Highway (Hwy 17) north from Victoria, or south from Saanich or Sidney. Turn east off Pat Bay Highway onto Haliburton Rd. (Across from Elk/Beaver Lake). There is a set of lights.  The driveway is at the top of the first hill on your right hand side (south).  Look for the big yellow mailbox and the bus stop sign.

2. Beginner Grass Identification Workshop – Wednesday, June 8, from 7 – 9 pm. Location TBA.
Join biologists Kristen and James Miskelly for a workshop on identifying our local grasses, both native and introduced. This introductory session will explain basic grass biology and important identification features to look for. Feel free to bring along some sample grasses for identification help. We can take a maximum of 25 Pulling Together volunteers. If you have a BC plant ID book with grasses or hand lens, please bring that along.

With thanks for all you do in your parks,
Jenny Eastman

PAST ANNOUNCEMENTS 2015 _________________________________________________

Saanich Council Hosts EDPA Town Hall

Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich Council is hosting an Environmental Development Permit Area (EDPA) Town Hall Meeting. This is an opportunity for Residents and other Stakeholders to provide feedback to Council on the current EDPA Bylaw.

  •   7 P.M. Thursday, November 12, 2015.
  •   Garth Homer Centre at 813 Darwin Avenue, next to the Saanich Municipal Hall.

After extensive public consultation, the Environmental Development Permit Area Bylaw was adopted by Saanich Council on March 12, 2012, to protect biodiversity, mitigate development impacts and restore degraded ecosystems.

Residents unable to attend the Town Hall Meeting can visit the EDPA Virtual Open House at to read factsheets, learn more about the EDPA Guidelines, and access feedback forms. Feedback forms are also available at Saanich Recreation Centres, and the Municipal Hall. All feedback forms must be submitted to Saanich by November 27, 2015 to be included in the EDPA review process.

Property owners needing further information about the EDPA can contact Environmental Services staff at 250-475-5471.

EDPA Open House 2015 Poster Town Hall-2

1. Planting by the NEW fishway on Tod Creek –

Saturday Oct 17th, 10:00 to 12:30 TodCreekDam-2

Sunday Oct 18th, 10:00 to 12:30 

Volunteers needed!

We hope you can make it to one or more of the upcoming workparties in Tod Creek Watershed…

If you’ve taken a walk through Gowlland Tod recently, you may have noticed a bit of construction activity around the dam near the park entrance on Wallace Drive. Well, The Butchart’s Gardens built a fishway so that salmon and trout swimming upstream are able to access the upper reaches of Tod Creek~! We’ll be replanting the riparian area around the dam this weekend, so come check out the BRAND NEW fishway and help us put a few trees and plants in the ground. Both Saturday and Sunday, from 10am-12:30.

Please RSVP to Francesca at (by Friday if possible) so we know how many plants to supply. Please wear sturdy footwear and if you have work gloves and your own favourite planting tools, feel free to bring those also.

Meeting spot: In Gowlland Tod Provincial Park. You’ll find us beside the dam, just a minute’s walk down Tod Inlet Trail. (google map

Parking available along Wallace Drive near the park entrance (google map

2) Planting on Tod Creek Flats – newly restored areas – Oct. 24th, 31st and Nov. 7th

The Friends of Tod Creek Watershed have a number of planting workparties coming up, and you’re all invited to take part! Extensive restoration has taken place on Tod Creek Flats (area behind the Red Barn on West Saanich Road) over the past couple months and these plantings will bookend this year’s major works. Snacks, juice and water will be provided (bring your own water bottle if you can). Please wear sturdy footwear and if you have work gloves and your own favourite planting tools, feel free to bring those also. Contact me here at to RSVP or if you’d like more information.

a) Sat. Oct. 24th from 9:45-1pm

Meeting spot: at the bridge on Farmington Road. (google map of meeting spot

Parking available along Farmington Road.

Planting Location: We’ll be planting on the private properties which border the creek here. Both properties are on Farmington by the bridge. As this is private property, please do not bring your pets with you.

We’ll be joined by ~15 Green Team volunteers on this particular date.

b) Sat. Oct. 31st from 10-noon

Meeting spot: corner of Wallace Drive and West Saanich Rd just south of Farmington Rd (google map of meeting spot (Note: Wallace Drive and West Saanich Rd ALSO intersect in Brentwood Bay…this is NOT the meeting spot!!)

Parking available at corner of Wallace Drive and West Saanich Rd.

Planting Location: Private properties in this area. As this is private property, please do not bring your pets with you.

c) Sat Nov. 7 from 10-noon

Meeting and parking spots: SAME as for the 31st.

Planting Location: Private properties in this area. As this is private property, please do not bring your pets with you.

Aquatic Plant Inventory of Prospect Lake Sunday October 25 9:00 -12:00

Prospect Lake Golf Course Clubhouse
Join members of the BC Lake Stewardship Society to collect and identify aquatic plants from Prospect Lake . We will begin with an overview of the lake mapping process, an introduction to the aquatic plants of Prospect Lake and collection procedures. Volunteers will collect samples at key locations around the lake and experts will identify plants collected in the survey. Participants are encouraged to bring aquatic plants that they have found or are concerned about.

For more information contact Winona at

Be Plantwise Tuesday October 27

Horticultural Center of the Pacific
A free workshop put on by the Invasive Species Council of B.C. Learn about emerging and existing species of concern, the innovative Plantwise program and plans to move forward in controlling invasive plant species in the local area.

Register before Oct 15 at

Elk Beaver Lake –A Tale of Two Lakes Thursday October 29th, from 7:00 – 9:00pm

University of Victoria, Fraser Building, Room 159

Public forum: 7 – 9pm

Information exhibition: 6 – 7pm (in Fraser Building Student Lounge)

Presented by the Environmental Law Centre and Victoria Golden Rods & Reels SocietyTubeLady-HPP

Reasons to like Elk/Beaver Lake:

Over 1,000 acres of nature close to the city
Summer beach time with friends or family
Shoreline fishing on a Sunday afternoon
Great place to walk your dog
Rowing for sport or paddling for pleasure
Watching Ironman competitions or January 1 polar bear swims
It’s the headwaters of Colquitz Creek
Walking or running through 10km of lakeside trails
Identifying numerous plant and animal species
All the above and more!
Many of these activities are now at risk as the health of the Lake is suffering. There are a number of reasons at play, but there are also solutions. Come to our public forum to learn more about what you can do to help improve water quality at Elk/Beaver Lake.

Let’s work together to make sure Elk/Beaver Lake is safe and clean!

The next meeting for Friends of Tod Creek Watershed:

It is almost September and our next meeting is happening on Wednesday, 2 September, 7:30 at Lori James Derry’s house, 4675 Kerryview. Come and hear about the exciting work being done on our creek.   At last!

The Colquitz River will receive some extra work from the Peninsula Stream Society, thanks to a donation from the Pacific Salmon Foundation.

Restoration efforts have been announced for several fish habitats in Saanich, thanks to a financial boost from the Pacific Salmon Foundation.

The Vancouver-based non-profit has promised to provide more than $42,000 through its Community Salmon Program to fund improvements to fish habitats in Douglas Creek, Swan Creek and Colquitz River. The improvements will be taken on by the Friends of Mount Douglas Park Society and the Peninsula Streams Society.

Saanich Senior Manager, Parks.

Saanich is “pleased to share with you that we again have a Senior Manager, Parks. While this vacancy has likely impacted folks to varying degrees, I want to thank all of you for the continued quality service that you provide to residents in maintaining the parks inventory in Saanich.

A special thanks to Cory for his leadership in the Acting role and to Andrew and Gary for their extra efforts over the last 10 months.

The new Senior Manager is Eva Riccius and she will join us on September 14th. Eva currently works with BC Parks in the Ministry of the Environment and has spent three years on the Vancouver Parks Board, one year as Chair. She is looking forward to joining the Saanich team and supporting and leading the provision of parks services within the District.

During her first week Eva will work from the Municipal Hall in order to work through the initial steps of her orientation, although I will bring her over to say hello! We will then be phasing her into the regular duties of her position over the subsequent weeks.

Thank you again folks and I trust that you are enjoying the amazing (albeit a bit dry!) summer we have had so far.


Doug Henderson
BA (Recreation/Business), MPA

Parks & Recreation Department
District of Saanich
780 Vernon Ave.
Victoria BC V8X 2W7

 Local Author Gwen Curry.


Will be launching her book June 18th at Russell’s Books on Fort Street;  and will present it one week later in Brentwood Bay at Pacifica Paddle Sports.

Gwen Curry, poster # 2

 Peninsula Streams Society Annual Dinner and Silent Auction pss-fundraiser-2015-flyer

Dear Peninsula Streams Society Friends and Supporters,

Our Annual Dinner and Silent Auction is just a week away and we still have tickets available for this fun evening of delicious food, delightful music and spirited bidding~!

The event takes place on Friday May 8th at the Prospect Lake Community Hall at 5358 Sparton Road.

Drinks and Social hour will begin at 5pm, with a buffet dinner served at 6pm. Our friends from ‘Water in the Crawl Space’ return to delight us with their folksy ballads and rousing melodies.

Tickets are $40 each, or 2 for $75. Contact us at or 250-363-6480 to reserve your ticket~!

Please see our website for the growing list of fabulous auction items…we have 29 items up for auction and, if you check it out, you’ll see that we have already started to accept bids. You can bid on items (via email, and by phone on the eve of the event) even if you aren’t able to attend the dinner. To place a bid before the event, email Francesca at with the Item # and name, the amount of your bid, and your name/contact details.

View auction items here –

Our last email highlighted the dinner with MP Elizabeth May, a whimsical watercolour by Vivian Kuhn, and a “Golf and Dine” package from the Prospect Lake Golf Course. This week, we’d like to showcase two new auction items, including ‘Still Morning – Herring Gulls’, a beautiful print by Robert Bateman (Item 26), and ‘Lunch with MLA Lana Popham at the BC Legislature’ (Item 3)…visit the website to read more about them and others~!

As well, we are still open to collecting items to add to the auction, so if you have artwork, books, services etc. that you’d like to donate to the cause, we would be happy to receive them. Please email us here with details.
?Thank you and we hope to see you there~!

unnamedGorge Waterway Initiative

Come and learn about the history of the Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary and its wildlife.

Speaker: Jacques Sirois, local bird specialist, Friends of Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary.

Date: Wed April 29th 2015

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Burnside Gorge Community Centre, 471 Cecelia Road, Victoria

Refreshments will be served.

For more information:

or call 250-360-3299

Community Mapping Project for the Tod Creek Watershed

Pasted Graphic

Pasted Graphic


This is a broad invitation to the community to take part in the first stage of a Community Mapping Project for the Tod Creek Watershed. We are working with Ken Josephson, cartographer, of UVIC geography department and the Prospect Lake Heritage Society to capture changes to the watershed overtime.

We invite the community to attend the mapping event on March 28th from 1-4 at the Prospect Lake and District Community Hall and bring historic photos, stories, maps, articles, or anything that captures a moment in time and shows the watershed as it was.

Volunteers will be on hand to make photocopies of photos, and so on with your permission. Volunteers will also have video and audio recorders to capture memories and stories. If a few of you want to sit about with a coffee and talk about your memories of the Tod Creek Watershed we can capture those memories.

This is child friendly event, we will have tables, paints, and projects for them. Refreshments will be served as well.

Volunteers are needed so if you would like to help in the day of the event let me know. We need help in the kitchen, on tables, senior drivers, recorders, and the children’s play tables.

This is an amazing opportunity to capture those stories that make this area unique and help us plan for the future.

Thank You to the District of Saanich for granting us a Sparks Grant in the amount of $500 for the community mapping program.

Please contact me at for more information and to volunteer.

 The Bus Tour

Feb 28th that was a great success, about 25 people on board, as we toured the watershed from Trevlac Pond to Tod Inlet with stops at Whitehead Park and Tod Creek Park. William Shulba, Mary Haig-Brown and Judith Arney from Seachange were speakers.

 The Monthly Evergreen Watershed Event will be held in Whitehead Park on Saturday March 21 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meet at Whitehead Park to work on restoration of the woods along the stream and conduct water quality sampling. Refreshments, tools, and gloves provided. Bring your own smiles!

Green Teams Canada

The Greater Victoria Green Team has a ton of upcoming environmental volunteer opportunities in parks, beaches and educational farms across the CRD. Our hands-on and educational volunteer opportunities are great for anyone wanting to get to know Victoria’s parks, get outside in nature, and help restore our local environment. No experience is necessary and training is provided during each activity.

Here are some upcoming opportunities:

Sat. March 21 (9:45-1pm): Invasive plant removal and native plantings at Gowland Todd Prov. Park with SeaChange

Sun. March 22 (9:45-1pm): Invasive plant removal at Harling Point with GOERT:

Mon, Mar. 23 (9:45-1pm): Beach cleanup with the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup!

Sat. April 4 (9:45-3pm): Invasive plant removal at Fort Rodd Hill

Sat. April 11 (9:45-1pm): Scotch Broom removal at Whiffin Spit in Sooke

Sun. April 12 (12:45pm-4pm): Heritage Orchard maintenance at Welland Legacy Park with LifeCycles.

Sat. April 18 (9:45-1pm): Scotch Broom removal at South Prospect Lake with Evergreen!

If the above dates don’t work for you, check out our online events calendar HERE for a list of all the activities (more to be scheduled soon!)

We are on

Help us spread the word about the GVGT, and please pass this email along to your friends, colleagues, family members and neighbours, and also post on your Facebook/twitter pages!


Listen to Mary Haig-Brown and Winona Pugh interviewed by Bruce Williams of CFAX:

 PAST ANNOUNCEMENTS__________________________________________________________


Congratulations to Winona Pugh  unnamed-1

for being awarded the

BC Lake Stewardship Society

Volunteer Award for 2014.

It is well deserved and we are proud of you.

Dinner/Dance for fundraising and publicity of the “Keep Maltby Lake Wild” Campaign.


Silent and Live Auction:  Saturday, Nov 8th.  6:30 to 10:30 pm.

At the Prospect Lake District Community Hall, 5358 Sparton Road.

Purchase tickets in advance at Oldfield’s Save-On Gas & Service.

No tickets at the door.

Food provided by The Heritage Bistro, and a No-Host Bar.

$35, with fantastic door prizes, but you must be present to win!

Entertainment: “Water in the Crawl Space” with Traditional Fiddle, old-time Country & Western Swing.

Sponsored by:  Friends of Tod Creek Watershed

and Peninsula Streams Society

For more information regarding “Keep Maltby Lake Wild” go to our ‘Activities’ page and click on the drop down box for Maltby Lake.

Friends of Maltby Lake

We would like to invite you to the inaugural “Friends of Maltby Lake” invasive species removal work-party, to take place on Sunday October 19th from 9:30am-noon. The main species of concern are daphne and broom, though we’ll also map out and address other plant species as we see them. Water and snacks will be provided.

Please don’t arrive earlier than 9:20am, as this is a private property, and we’d like to respect our host’s privacy.

Wear sturdy footwear, dress for the weather, and bring your water bottle. We will provide work gloves, safety glasses and tools (feel free to bring your own).

Address: 4380 Prospect Lake Road. Please stay right when you enter the Thomson’s driveway.

Google map –>

Please RSVP to if you’d like to help out~!

Thank you,


Tod Creek Planting Day

Saturday, October 18. 10-1pm

Join HAT staff and volunteers on Tod Creek for a few hours a tree planting and streamside restoration workshop. HAT biologist Todd Carnahan will train participants riparian species identification, planting skills, and invasive species management. Learn about the long history of local stewardship to recover the natural values of this rural watershed and meet other people who care about healthy streams. Carpooling is possible and registration for this event is required for planning purposes.

Students from Prospect Lake School will be planting the alders they have nurtured over the summer.

Meet on Farmington Rd off Wallace Road just south of Willis Point rd. (closest Address 5648 Wallace Dr) see attached map. Parking on Farmington Lane

Equipment, training, snacks and drinks provided.

Wear boots, gloves, eye protection, long sleeves and long pants.

Meet on Farmington Rd off Wallace Road just south of Willis Point rd. (closest Address 5648 Wallace Dr)

Bus routes: 74 and 81 to intersection of Wallace and Benvenuto (then head south on Wallace Dr for 3km by bike).

Please register for planting and carpooling before Thursday, October 16th – call Todd Carnahan 250 995 2428.

Uncover Your Creeks Event

at Whitehead Park on October 18th from 10 am to noon. We are working on the riparian area by the lake in preparation for planting. We also conduct water quality sampling that people could help with if they don’t fancy clipping weeds.

Here are some more events planned for the next few months for members to look forward to. We are in the planning stage and final dates will be available on the Uncover Your Creeks website shortly.

In November we will hold a watershed tour, leaving from Prospect Lake Hall and touring the entire watershed. We are also planning a community mapping project, migratory waterfowl viewing afternoon at Tod Creek Flats, and a number of events with Prospect Lake School in the new year.

Folks can go to to view events happening in the watershed.

Those who would like their events included in the UYC website calendar just need to send that information to June and she will have it posted.


For better details, please open this poster at this link:  FTCW – Evergreen Poster



We need your help! The Friends of Tod Creek Watershed, Saanich Parks Staff and Pulling Together Program Volunteers are hosting a work party to remove invasive plants. We welcome neighbours to come care for your park.

Meet in the parking lot off Prospect Lake Road. When: Sunday, May 25. 10:00 am – 12 noon.

Bring: gloves, pruners or loppers (if you have them), water to drink, sturdy footwear. No previous experience required. On-site instruction provided.

Questions: Contact Jenny at 250.744.1710 or

More about volunteering in Saanich Parks:

Date: May 17th and 18th

Swan Lake Native Plant Sale 

Spring has sprung around Swan Lake and with a new season comes some new updates! Find out what’s been happening at Swan Lake by reading the current newsletter on the web site.

To keep with the changes happening around Swan Lake, stay tuned for our NEW email newsletter format which will be showcased in the next couple of months.

We look forward to seeing you upon your next visit to the Swan Lake Christmas Hill Sanctuary.

Cheers,  Chantelle Tearoe

Office Coordinator

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary

3873 Swan Lake Road
Victoria, BC V8X 3W1

Phone: 250-479-0211 Fax: 250-479-0132

Hanging Homes for Purple Martins

Quamichan Lake

Wednesday April 16th and Wednesday April 23rd , 2014
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Quamichan Lake, Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve
Closest place: Duncan, Vancouver Island
Purple martins in a nest box (Photo by Ralph Hocken)
Come and be a part of one of the most successful conservation efforts in BC’s recent history! Purple martins are  the largest of North America’s swallow species, with an average length of 20 centimetres. They take their name from the iridescent, purple-blue wings of the males.These magnificent little birds fly up to 10 kilometers straight up into the sky to feed on flying insects. Purple martins are cavity-nesters, preferring natural cavities in wildlife trees in open areas, near water. Logging, development and the incursion of exotic species, notably European starlings and house sparrows, moving into these natural cavities caused the population to plummet terrifyingly close to non-existence in the late 1980s. By the 1990s purple martins were almost entirely lost from BC when the population declined to only 5 pairs living in a single colony on Vancouver Island.
The purple martin nest box program is spearheaded by the BC Purple Martin Stewardship and Recovery Program. The largely volunteer effort has helped bring the population back from the brink of extirpation (local extinction) to over 800 pairs in over 60 sites around the Georgia Basin.
Pairs originally nested in both sheltered marine waters and freshwater habitat such as lakes and ponds. Today purple martins in BC live almost exclusively in nest boxes, which have been mainly installed near marine water.
These Conservation Volunteer events will focus on putting up boxes around Quamichan Lake in hopes of bringing purple martins back into this freshwater habitat. We will also be putting up nest boxes for chickadees and looking for western bluebirds. So bring your binoculars
Directions: Travel east on Trunk Road. At the roundabout, exit at Maple Bay Road and follow Maple Bay for 4 kms and turn left onto Aitken Road. The Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve is at the end of Aitken Road on the right. Meet at the green house visible from the road. Equipment will be provided. Please bring gumboots (waders if possible) warm clothes, rain gear, snack, water and gardening gloves (if you have them).
Please Sign up by following the link below
Or simply email me back and let me know  if you are planning on joining us.
I hope to see you there!
Katy Fulton
Conservation Volunteer Coordinator
Nature Conservancy of Canada, BC Region
200-825 Broughton St, Victoria BC  V8W 1E5
cell:      (250) 213-9732
fax:       (250) 479-0546

2014 Saanich Environmental Awards

Call for 2014 Nominations:  Deadline for submission is 4 pm Friday April 25.

The Saanich Environmental Awards are an initiative of the Saanich Environment and Natural Areas Advisory Committee (ENA).

Nominations are received by the ENA and evaluated according to the following criteria:
– Significance of the project
– Duration/magnitude of effort
– Degree of innovation
– Longterm sustainability of the project
– Past efforts

Past award winners have participated in such projects as invasive species removal, environmental education, native plant propagation, waste reduction and conservation of private property. Business awards have been given for innovative green services, sustainable development and energy efficient facilities.    to fill out  your nomination form online.

Date: May 4th, Sunday

Time: 1 to 4 pm.

See their web site for more information.

Join Habitat Acquisition Trust for their “annual Native Plant Garden Tour on Sunday afternoon, May 4th. Download the the tour guide [on their web site] , or email or call 250 995 2428 for more information. Bring the whole family for a free tour filled with new friends, experiences, and ideas for your own property. You’ll see some of the six public and four private gardens of all sizes and ages. Some gardens are strictly native while others incorporate native species with imported ornamentals. Shady forest gardens, sunny rock outcrops, wetlands, nurseries, ponds, and plants await your visit.”

HAT is also doing their “Good Neighbours Programme” in our watershed this year.

Call them for a free and confidential land care visit.  Visit   HAT BC   for details.


The District of Saanich is expanding its inventory and mapping of Environmentally Significant Areas [ESAs].

The inventory is now complete and you are invited to learn about the sites that were suggested by our consulting biologist in 2013.

Staff will outline all phases of the project and how data may be used in the future. The same presentation will occur at 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm.  Doors open at 3:15.

For more information on the project, please visit:

Attend a presentation:

Date: Thursday, Nov 28, 2013.

Time:  3:30 pm or 5:30 pm.

Location:  Saanich Hall [Council Chambers]    770 Vernon Ave.

For more information contact: Adriane Pollard, Manager of Environmental Services


Sunday, November 10th, 12 to 4 pm Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary

CRAFT SALE. Beautifully hand-crafted gifts galore, including tea cosies, pot holders, hot mats, place mats, table runners, baby quilts, bags, fancy hair clips and more, all with a nature theme. Admission by donation. Funds raised will support the nature sanctuary’s educational programs, volunteer services and habitat restoration projects.                                            See “Community Partners” page for web site link.


3873 Swan Lake Rd, Saanich   250.479.0211

Sunday, November 3rd, 10: – 12:00


Saanich Tree Appreciation Day:
At Whitehead Park we will be planting out a selection of trees and shrubs which are native to the area as part of our on-going restoration of the area east of Tod Creek.  Come and give us a hand.
We have some tools, but extras are always useful.
Bring gloves and wear sturdy shoes.  Refreshments provided.

Saturday November 2nd, from 9:30am-12:30pm.

BC Aviation Museum in Sidney, 1910 Norseman Rd, Victoria, BC V8L 5V5

Please be at the Aviation Museum by 9:15am, and we will walk to the site together.

Peninsula Streams is pleased to join with Watershed Ecological Services (WES) and the Victoria Airport Authority on a Planting & Riffle Building work-party on the airport property. Volunteers are needed to help us plant trees and shrubs alongside the new Reay Creek diversion channel, built 2011, to divert contaminated run-off from the airport’s old industrial areas. As well, a riffle (in-stream structure composed of boulders and rock to help aerate the water and create pools for habitat) will be constructed – by hand – in the channel.

ALSO, This work party will also be a great opportunity to see part of the airport property that usually has restricted access.

PLUS, In recognition of our volunteers’ time and efforts at this volunteer event, a donation will be made by WES to Peninsula Streams.

Please read on for work party details, and if you can make it, RSVP to Francesca at PeninsulaStreams@gmail.comActivity: Planting trees and shrubs beside the new diversion channel on Reay Creek (Airport Property)

Meet at:

Preparation: Wear sturdy, waterproof footwear and appropriate clothing. If you have the following, please also bring: safety vest (required, please let us know if you can bring your own; we will provide vests if you do not own one), shovel, work/gardening gloves.

Juice and snacks will be provided.

Thanks, hope you can make it~!

We look forward to receiving your RSVP.

Francesca Loro, BSc.

Stewardship Coordinator

Peninsula Streams Society

Tel: 250.363.6480 Fax: 250.363.6746


Saturday, October 6th, 2:00 – 3:00 at Whitehead Park.

Students in Grade 4 at Prospect Lake School will be planting alder trees they have been caring for over the summer.  The trees were given to them by Peninsula Streams Society who came last June to talk about the salmon cycle, watersheds and the importance of trees to the life in the streams.  Please come and enjoy the fun.  Refreshments provided.

Saturday October 19 from 10am-2pm.

Greetings SeaChange volunteers and friends,

We’ve had a fantastic start to our autumn restoration season! Volunteers have been working hard doing cleanup and starting work on our ambitious new restoration site. This week we will continue clearing at this new site and doing some plantings, so that the native plants receive rain all winter and have the chance to establish themselves. More information on SNIDCEL and our restoration work can be found on

We meet at the camas meadows near the washrooms

(see map on Seachange Web Site:     ).

See you at the inlet!

Judith L. Arney
SNIDCEL Restoration Coordinator
SeaChange Marine Conservation Society

Sunday September 29, 2013 1:00 pm—3:00 pm. 

33rd Annual BC Rivers Day:  Join the Friends of Tod Creek Watershed as we celebrate our local waterway at Whitehead Park on Prospect Lake in Victoria.   Snacks, drinks, activities, and education!

Rivers Day Group 2013

For more photos:  go to our

“Activities” page…

The Friends volunteers with Julia Thompson [back-row in ball cap] from Peninsula Streams.  Julia ran the watershed model for kids and adults alike.  And Jillian Stewart, Trainee [RBTech], our wonderful coordinator [center-front in red].



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