Meeting Notes
Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.
Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.
To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.
Friends of Tod Creek Watershed.
Mission: to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed
Thank you to Lori and Michael for hosting our meeting
Attendance: Sherron MacPherson, Audrey Barnes, Winona Pugh, Pat Carfra, Bernie Bowker, Michael Derry, Mary Haig-Brown, Lori James Derry
Regrets: Anne Allen, Ian Duncan, Carmel Thomson, Janet Williams, Joanne Delage, Chris Weiczorek
1.Adoption of Agenda: Additions: Saanich Inlet Roundtable Thursday May 23rd, Rithets Bog Tour, Senanus Island work party, Previous Business – geothermal loop, David Gray documentaries, Fort Rodd Hill Tour: Water sustainability [see: for info re “A Handbook for Water Champions: First Edition” posted on our Community Partners Page]: Salmon Fry Release on Thursday at Prospect Lake Elementary School, Wray Creek and on Friday Bayside Keating Salmon Fry Release [see photos on Kid’s Page ] : passed;
2. Adoption of Meeting Notes: passed;
3. Treasurers Report: Account total $505.64. Winona has paid the $50 Annual Membership for BC Lake Stewardship Society;
4. Announcements:
a. Cedar Hill Park Plan Open House, 2 -5pm Saturday May 4th, at Cedar Hill Rec Center
Cedar Hill Park balances nature, community, and recreation in a harmonious way. People, place, and the environment share an intimate connection that fosters mutual health and well-being. We are all stewards of the park, committed to its long-term preservation and enhancement.
b. Metchosin Biodiversity Walk and Talk
“Metchosin is a land of rare beauty and a home to important ecological resources. From her rocky shores on the Juan de Fuca Strait, to her rural and agricultural lowlands threaded with streams and lakes, to her conifer-populated highlands, Metchosin is home to a vast array of plants, algae, fungi, lichens, birds, mammals, arthropods, and marine life.”
Upcoming Talks:
May 10/11: Andrew Simon, Backyard Biodiversity
June 14: Nikki Wright, Eelgrass
September 6: Leah Ramsay, Dragonflies.
October 4: Anna Hall, Dolphins
November 8: Sharmin Gamiet, Mushrooms
c. SEP Community Stewardship Workshop May 31 –June 2 registration still open.
See our Announcements Page for poster and more info:
5. Previous Business:
a. Mary Haig Brown Recognition Award: the committee met on March 20 & developed a draft of award criteria;
b. PIT tagged Coho released March 15 at Lohr road and on the DND Land.
For more information about Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags, see our link to Lohr Road Scroll to the bottom of the page for these interesting photos;
c. application completed to partner with BC Invasive Species Society on Clean, Drain and Dry educational project
d. South Prospect Lake broom pull successful with focus on maintaining cleared area at the top of the park boundary;
e. Ian and Anne have offered to lead a bat house building workshop in the summer. Date to follow;
f. Carmel has published her article on the Prospect Lake Aquatic Plant sampling in
“Our Backyard” and the “BC Lake Stewardship newsletter”
6. Projects:
a. Tod Creek Flats: ongoing planning for the future of the Flats;
b. Whitehead Park: unfortunately, Shiny geranium is present. Weeding every Monday @ 09:30.
c. Watershed Management Plan: [update needed here]
d. Peninsula Streams: Fund Raiser Dinner/ Auction Nov 9th. Announcement to follow with details;
e. Website: always being updated and open to comments/ suggestions;
f. Heritage Society: will order six more “Reflections” books, one has pre-sold, five to have on hand. Sherron and Audrey are collecting Prospector Newsletters for Saanich Archives; Winona to judge “Heritage Kids” May 10th;
g. Maltby Lake: as Carmel not present, no current update;
h. Reports on Parksville 2019 Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate, Saanich Inlet Roundtable, Gary Oak Ecosystem Conference;
i. Water Quality and Aquatic Plant Sampling: date for May: Winona will talk to Ron & Joanne re date;
7. Print Lab will print our Logo Sign for a discount to us at $80.00 + tax.
Next Meeting: July 3, 7:30 at Maltby Lake.