Updating the Fan, removing a fallen tree from creek edge Sept 9/ 2020.

And monitoring this beauty, as a Douglas fir [slightly right of middle], it might not like it’s feet wet:
Toronto Dominion Friends of the Environment Fund
Killarney Creek Fan Project 2014
The project to remove yellow flag iris and reed canary grass from the Killarney Creek Fan was completed over the past six months. Beginning with the completion of the required notification to the Ministry of the Environment, the Department of Fisheries and the District of Saanich Environmental Services the project evolved under the direction of a Qualified Environmental Professional provided though the non-profit organization Peninsula Streams Society. Site visits and monitoring of the vegetation during the spring and summer gave us a thorough understanding of the specific concerns regarding working at this location bordering both the shoreline of Prospect Lake and the bank of Killarney Creek. Due to the density of the invasive plants an extensive amount of the area required hand digging to remove the tubers and roots. Ongoing removal of developing seed heads was carried out until the start of the fisheries window in August.
Two work parties were held in late August and early September to dig, collect and dispose of the plant material. Replanting with sedges, skunk cabbage and lady fern was also completed during the final work party and following weeks. Invasive material was removed from the site and disposed of through hot composting.
With over 15 volunteers and 50 volunteer hours, all visible iris and canary grass was removed from the stream and lake edges. The energy and enthusiasm of the volunteers resulted in a fun and satisfying experience for everyone involved.
The generous support provided by the Toronto Dominion Friends of the Environment Fund allowed us to achieve our objectives of removing a source of yellow flag iris and canary grass seed and educating volunteers about the concerns and correct removal methods for these two invasive species. The disposal of the invasives was provided by Saanich Parks for which we thank them. The opportunity to treat this area will enhance the work completed the previous summer in Whitehead Park and will encourage further removal of these plants at other source points around Prospect Lake.
First two photos are the before and after shots… below these are the work party photos.
Feb 2014: Two updated photos of the Fan. Compare to the top right photo above, taken from the same perspective: