Meeting Notes
Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.
Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.
To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.
Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed
Regrets: Pat Carfra, Lin Callow
Present: Carmel Thomson, Janet Williams, Woody Thomson, Joanne Delage, Lori James Derry, Michael Derry, Audrey Barnes, Winona Pugh, Gwen Curry, Bernie Bowker, Mary Haig-Brown
1. Adoption of Agenda
2. Adoption of meeting notes of 4 May, 2016
3. Treasurer’s report Balance as of 4 May, 2016 $1,336.96 Interest June, July .03 Web site expense (Renfroe) (50.00) Balance, 6 July, 2016 $1,286.99
4. Announcements:
- a) Peninsula Streams Fundraiser will be at Prospect Lake Hall on November 19 th 2016. Save the date.
- b) Streamkeepers Course being offered Oct 15 & 16. We need an active group to assess and improve Tod Creek for salmon. Eight people have signed up so far. We are looking for young, active people to do the ongoing monitoring. Mary will call Amanda Evans and Colin Plant for suggestions.
- c) Saanich Agriculture and Food Security Plan. Please fill out survey at The information from the survey will be used in developing the Food Security Plan.
- d) Watershed bus tour – need someone to organize this. Winona will get this started. The bus used last time was sourced through Ken Josephson.
- e) Celebrating our Natural Capital – meetings with Samuel Godfrey and others to plan an event. Watch for further information.
- f) Saanich Native Plants, James and Kirsten Miskelly won a Saanich Environmental Award for their business, Saanich Native Plants.
- g) Grass workshop was held in June. Audrey, Michael and Lori attended and found it very useful in knowing what to look for as they identify grasses.
- h) The latest issue of THE PROSPECTOR has two articles by Winona. The first is about the work in Whitehad Park (too bad about the typos) and the second is about Tod Creek Flats. Unfortunately the final section dealing with the human history of the Flats was left out which is disappointing.
5. Projects:
- a) Whitehead Park and Lohr Road – We will be labelling native plants at Lohr Road with June’s help on Friday morning. June is pleased with how well the plants are doing and with the number of insects on them.
- b) Tod Creek Flats – RFCPP grant is expected to be approved to enable work to continue this summer. The new owner of the parcel between Brian Higgins and Red Damsel Farm is very supportive of the work planned. He will lease his farm land. The Interpretive sign design is now with Saanich. They will install the sign along the trail near the Wallace Drive end. Many thanks to Carmel for the design work.
6. Lake Stewardship: Winona
- a) Secchi Disc dip for BC Lake Stewardship is to be done during the month of July. Winona will combine this with an aquatic plant survey at the spots chosen earlier. The samples are dried, identified and stored at the Provincial Museum. Anyone interested in being involved in this task should contact Winona.
- b) Aquatic plant workshop on 24 th September will focus on plants from Elk/Beaver Lake.
7. Maltby Lake: Broom bash with Green Team on May 14 th was successful.
8. Web Page: Lori is learning about photo point monitoring so she can record the changes being made and happening at various spots on Tod Creek.
9. Heritage: Winona
You are invited to attend our Prospect Lake Heritage Society AGM and visit to the Observatory Grounds. We will be holding the AGM on Tuesday July 19 at 11:30 am at the former Center of the Universe building on the Observatory Grounds. You are welcome to join us at the lower parking lot at 10:30 am and hike the trail to the summit of Little Saanich Mountain or drive to the upper parking lot and explore the various trails at 11:00 . Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the views as we review the activities of the past year. Winona Chair Prospect Lake Heritage Society
10 . Next meeting: 7 September
- Location: Maltby Lake. We will be outside so dress accordingly.