Sept 2015

Meeting Notes

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.

Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.



Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

Regrets: Sherron MacPherson, Frances Hunter, Pat Carfra

Present: Carol McDougal, Joanne Delage, Lori James Derry, Michael Derry, Winona Pugh, Woody Thomson, Bernie Bowker, Carmel Thomson, Audrey Barnes, Mary Haig-Brown.

1. Adoption of Agenda

2. Adoption of meeting notes from 8 July, 2015

3. Treasurer’s report:
Closing balance last meeting: $1437.63
Add interest .06
Closing Balance $ 1437.69
Discussion about spending money from Unitarian Church that is being held for us by PSS. Lori will look into getting signs made to recognize work done and planned for the flats. Costs? Design?

4. Announcements:

  • Birding:  Notice sent to us by Dorothy Chambers.
    Interested in learning about local birds, enjoy walking local beaches, and want to learn more about reducing disturbance to shorebirds? Then here’s an opportunity for you!
    Bird Studies Canada is looking for volunteers to participate in two coastal monitoring programs in the Victoria area. A free workshop and guided walk is being held this Saturday September 5th.
  • WHAT: Free workshop and guided walk to learn more about BC waterbirds and how to conduct Coastal Waterbird Surveys and Beached Bird Surveys, and the new Shorebird Disturbance protocol. Suitable for new and current volunteers.
    WHEN: Saturday September 5th 9:30am – 12:00pm
    WHERE: Burnside Gorge Community Centre, 471 Cecelia Rd, Victoria
    Dress for the weather and bring binoculars if possible
    To register, contact Karen: or 604-350-1998
  • Butchart’s Fishway – They have taken on the building and PSS has cancelled the grant. Butcharts has done the preliminary work and it is expected to go ahead this year or next. Ian is confident that it will.
    Paper making: Frances is working on more Daphne and has ideas for a note pad suitable for fund raising.

5. Projects:

  • Tod Creek Flats: Project is going ahead!!! Started at Farmington Road cleaning channel of approximately 1 meter of silt as well as invasives. The bank has been reshaped and seeded. Many of the existing willows have been replaced, but we will do more planting. Working upstream we are doing similar work on the next property and preparing access to Flats at northern edge. Work will start on a berm to assist in controlling the flooding (not preventing it) and preventing fish being stranded. Wet weather is slowing work, but weather reports look better for the days ahead. Lori will take some photos and post them on our web site.
    Whitehead: Continuing with weeding and keeping blackberry shoots in check. Rain will soon make it possible to dig roots and prepare for planting of the last section in the south east of the park.
    Eastlake: Joanne continues to pull bits of ivy and to water. The site is looking good.
    Work parties for planting in Flats project and Whitehead to be arranged. Both Evergreen and Green Team will help. Mary to arrange for this.

6. Heritage:

  • Winona reports they had a meeting with Darrell of the Royal Oak Historical Society and talked about taping people’s stories. Ken Josephson is tidying up the mapping info that has been collected to tie it in with existing maps. The society will decide on the focus of the map which will help then choose what to include.

7. Lake Stewardship:

  • Winona reports they did the Seechi disc reading. The lake was a little more turbid than last year which was not unexpected as the reading was taken the day after a huge rain storm. Discussion about doing a proper survey of the growth in the lake at some future time.

8. Web Site:

  • Lori continues to add little things for time to time. She will be putting more on the page for Tod Creek Flats.

9. Maltby Lake.

  • Carmel reported that the Min of the Environment did a study of invasives in B.C. Lakes. Maltby was included. There were only two found, Yellow Flag Iris and one other. In Maltby. Results of the study will be posted on the Ministry web site.

Next Meeting: October 4th, 2015 at Pat Carfra’s house.



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