Meeting Notes – 4 March 2015

Meeting Notes

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed meet the first Wednesday of every second month.
You are welcome to join us.

Mission: To protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed.

To view notes from previous meetings, use the “Meeting Notes” Archive links on the right panel.


Mission: to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed

Present: Winona Pugh, Larry and Lolo Thornton, Woody Thomson, Valerie Haig-Brown, Bernie Bowker, Pat Carfra, Michael Derry, Lori James-Derry, Carmel Thomson, Mary Haig-Brown.

Regrets: Sherron MacPherson, Joanne Delage, Audrey Barnes, Frances Hunter

Adoption of Agenda
Adoption of Meeting Notes from 7 January, 2015
Treasurer’s Report:
Closing balance last meeting: $ 1673.03
Anonymous deposit $ 500.00
Expense (Data Logger repair) $ 715.64 (to reimburse Joanne who paid by credit card)
Interest .03
Closing balance $ 1457.48
(Note: there is a $.06 discrepancy to be corrected.)

f) There is a request to the Board of Variance to lift the height restriction on a proposed garage/storage building to be built on the corner of Prospect Lake Rd and Lohr Rd. There is also concern that the building may infringe on the riparian area of Tod Creek. We suggested that the neighbours talk to Adriane Pollard of Saanich Environmental Services about the riparian area. The Board of Variance will meet on March 11th. Several members plan to attend.
a) Peninsula Streams Society (PSS) membership renewal $5.00 due now. Mary has Membership cards and will collect the $5.00.
b) PSS is planning a fund raiser for May. Format will be a dinner and silent auction. Carmel will be helping with advertising design. More volunteers are needed.
c) PSS is applying to Saanich for a Community Grant. This will be discussed at Council on March 17th. Letters of support must be in to Saanich by March 10th. Please see attached information about PSS application and write a short letter of support. Lori will write a letter from FTCW.
d) Saanich Environmental Award nominations open now. See their web site for forms: .
Carmel will nominate Wil and Winona will nominate HAT from FTCW. Please check the web site and nominate anyone you feel fits the criteria.
e) Saanich Environmental Development Permit Guidelines are undergoing some revisions. These are mostly housekeeping, but there is public interest so Saanich will likely hold an Open House. Watch for details.
f) Board of Variance request – Winona. See above.
g) Evergreen: Watershed tour was a great success. See pictures at:
Mapping Workshop – March 28 at the Hall from 1-4 pm. Arranged by Heritage Society and Evergreen. Ken Josephson of UVic will lead. The outcome will be a printed map, a web map and a connection to the CRD mapping. Funding: $500 from Sparks by Heritage, $600 from Evergreen. PLDCA has contributed the use of the Hall. It is hoped that the FTCW banner will be on display by then. Winona showed a sketch of the proposed design.
Evergreen work parties at Whitehead on 3rd Saturday of month
June is leaving Evergreen at end of March.
h) Winona and Mary were interviewed by Bruce Williams of CFAX. A podcast can be heard at
Our part starts at 12:35
i) Paper making – Daphne gathering and prep session needed. Pat Carfra offered to host. Wednesdays were suggested as the best day. Please let me know which of the following dates would be the best for you: March 11, March 25, or April 1. Time to be arranged.
5. Projects:
a) Eastlake – Cleaver is starting to come up. Joanne is pulling it.
b) Whitehead – Spreading cardboard and mulch in an attempt to stop Reed Canary Grass. New planting on east side south end are starting to leaf out.
6. Web Site – Lori had a very helpful session with Laurie Empey of Pettycache Web Design. She is now able to arrange The Whitehead project with pull down menus by years. See results at or Google Friends of Tod Creek Watershed.
7. Maltby Lake update. Carmel reported that the Feb 23 Court date went very well with the Justice supporting the Plan put forward by TLC. Maltby Lake is in the ecological stream. The Plan may be seen on the Court Monitor site. The final approval will be granted on March 30.
8. Lake Stewardship – Winona
a) Elk Lake Course in Lake Stewardship will be held on March 28-29 at a cost $25 for the two days. Contact BC Lake Stewardship Society to register.
b) Proposal for Lake Weed Survey from the community association. FTCW is interested in doing a Lake Vegetation Survey. CRD will help us identify plants and do some simple mapping. Contact Winona for more information.
9. Historical Society – Winona- see above under 4.g) Community Mapping workshop.

Next Meeting: May 6th
Location: Joanne Delage, 271 Eastlake Rd.


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